
University of Georgia美國喬治亞大學農經系博士
農業與資源經濟、計量經濟學、消費與健康經濟、 高等教育經濟分析、生產力與效率分析


期刊論文 (2011 –2020)(近年研究著作)
  1. Xiang Chen, TT Fu, JC Juo, MM Yu (2020) “A comparative analysis of profit inefficiency and productivity convergence between Taiwanese and Chinese banks”, Business Research Quarterly, 23(3), 193-202.(SSCI)
  2. Hung-pin Lai, Cliff J. Huang and Tsu-Tan Fu (2020), “Estimation of the production profile and metafrontier technology gap: a quantile approach”, Empirical Economics 58, 2709-2731.(SSCI).
  3. 傅祖壇,林億明,林幸君,孔維新,陳柏鈞(2019年01月)。「臺灣與韓國產業別總要素生產力之比較:1981-2010」。臺灣經濟預測與政策,49(2):47-84,2019。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。(TSSCI)。
  4. Tsu-Tan Fu, AS Sung, KF See and FW Chou (2019) “Do optimal scale and efficiency matter in Taiwan’s higher education reform? A stochastic cost frontier approach”, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 67, 111-119.(SSCI)
  5. Cliff J. Huang, Tsu-Tan Fu, Hung-pin Lai, Yung-Lieh Yang (2017), Semiparametric Smooth Coefficient Quantile Estimation of the Production Profile . Empirical Economics.52(1).373-392. (SSCI)
  6. Yu-Hui Lin , Tsu-Tan Fu , Chia-Li Chen , Jia-Ching Juo , (2017), Non-radial cost Luenberger productivity indicator. European Journal of Operational Research, 256(2), 629-639. (SCI).
  7. Jia-ching Juo, Tsu-Tan Fu, Ming-Miin Yu,Yu-Hui Lin (2016), Non-radial profit performance: An application to Taiwanese banks. Omega, The International Journal of Management Science, 65, 111-121. (SSCI).
  8. 盧迺園、傅祖壇 (2016),「利用共同薪資隨機邊界函數評估臺灣地區大學商學院績效」,應用經濟論叢,100期, 頁105-148。(TSSCI)
  9. Wen-Hsin kong, Tsu-Tan Fu, Ming-Mii Yu, (2017), Evaluating Taiwanese bank efficiency using The Two-Stage Range DEA Model. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making,16(4),1043-1068.(SCI)
  10. Tsu-Tan Fu, JC Juo, HC Chiang, MM Yu, MY Huang(2016), “Risk-based decompositions of the meta profit efficiency of Taiwanese and Chinese banks”, Omega The International Journal of Management Science, 62, 34-46.(SSCI)
  11. 傅祖壇、楊佳茹、黃美瑛(2016),「過度教育與薪資之關係:臺灣地區大學近期畢業生之研究」,應用經濟論叢,99期, 頁1-36。(TSSCI)
  12. 傅祖壇、 胡均立,(2015)「編輯引言」,生產力與效率研究特刊,管理與系統。 22(2),Pi-ii。(TSSCI)
  13. Huang, Mei-Ying, Jia-Ching Juo and Tsu-Tan Fu (2015), Metafrontier cost Malmquist productivity index: an application to Taiwanese and Chinese commercial banks, Journal of Productivity Analysis , 44(3), 321-335. (SSCI)
  14. JC Juo, Tsu-Tan Fu, MM Yu and YH Lin (2015), “Profit-oriented Productivity Changes”, Omega , The International Journal of Management Science, 57(B), 176-187.(SSCI)
  15. Tsu-Tan Fu, Cliff J. Huang, and C. A. Lovell. (2014), “Guest editors’ introduction “, Special Issue: Selected Papers from the 2010 Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 41(2), 173-174.(SSCI)
  16. 林億明、傅祖壇,「健康風險認知、減重需求與其願付價值」,經濟研究,(2014)。50:1, 69-99。(TSSCI)
  17. Huang, Mei-Ying and Tsu-Tan Fu (2013). “An Examination of the Cost Efficiency of Banks in Taiwan and China Using the Metafrontier Cost Function”. Journal of Productivity analysis, 40, 3, 387-406 (SSCI)
  18. Lin, Y-M, Tsu-tan Fu, P-W Yeh and M-Y Huang (2013). “Assessing the Economic Value of Public Service Broadcasting in Taiwan Using the Contingent Valuation Approach”. Journal of Media Economics, 26,  4, 186-202 (SSCI)
  19. Wen-Jen Tsay, Cliff Huang, Tsu-tan Fu, I-Lin Ho, (2013)“A Simple Closed-Form Approximation for the Cumulative Distribution Function of the Composite Error of Stochastic Frontier Models”. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 39(3): 259-269, 2013. (SSCI)
  20. Wen-Hsin Kong, and Tsu-Tan Fu, (2012) “Assessing the Performance of Business Colleges in Taiwan Using Data Envelopment Analysis and Student Based Value-added Performance indicators”, Omega, 40(5): 541-549, 2012. (SSCI)
  21. Jia-Ching Juo, Tus-Tan Fu, Ming-Miin Yu, (2012) “Non-oriented slack-based decompositions of profit change with an application to Taiwanese banking”, Omega, 40(5): 550-561, 2012. (SSCI)
  22. J. Chiang, J. Chen, Y. Chen and Tsu-Tan Fu, (2012)  ”Using Stated-Preference and Prior Purchase Intention in the Estimation of Willingness to Pay a Premium for Genetically Modified Foods”, Agribusiness, 28(1): 103-117, 2012. (SSCI)
  23. 卓輝星、傅祖壇,「果菜批發市場勞動使用效率影響因素之探討」,農業與經濟,48:33-68,2012。(TSSCI) 
  24. 傅祖壇、張靜貞,「特刊導讀」,應用經濟論叢-2012生產力與效率特刊,2012。(TSSCI)
  25. 傅祖壇,「臺灣高等教育院校之學校品質、經營效率與最適規模分析」,教育科學研究期刊,56(3):181-213,2011。(TSSCI)
  26. Tsu-Tan Fu, Yih-Ming Lin and Chung L. Huang, “Willingness to Pay for Obesity Prevention”, Economics & Human Biology, 9(3): 316-324, 2011. (SSCI)
  27. Tsu-Tan Fu, Cliff J. Huang and Yun-Lieh Yang, “Quality and Economies of Scale in Higher Education: A Semiparametric Smooth Coefficient Estimation”, Contemporary Economic Policy, 29(1): 138-149, 2011. (SSCI)